we've all got to die of something lowers her
medical to toke a goldspot mint he thinks
in eraserhead t passing drink bin sought
at nearest corner shop doorway dropped forthe
next test & therest & the compressed & the
foldedbits of tree are fellasigned withsome
deadeye sympathycards are toastrack 2 4
1 punched sequentially on 3 cherrywines
for his bandit self for partaking in the
racingpost sideways movementdays of hanglow
forburden clockcrabs carrying their own bags
as children corn of plaster see the dinner
teachers uncover uncooked rus'lers' burgers
dogs upround the queuesports wearers who takeon
forselves freeballs on cushions carry two by
pass theman in the triplechip boardsocks gran
in the ironed mask meet the seagulls don'tcome
for free you'refacedwithgod bruv you'refacedwithgod
everything you do you'refacedwithgod