Thursday, 10 November 2022



the taxi shouts growth, prospect, in a

well fed font as the councilpavers speak.

he's stunted. hides his tins in bins by the

magistrates' thinks

rumthoughts and his scousedream of a

pitchedroof where he was slickhaired n' flying.

an overstock of pigeons round the flattyre of a

delivercycler outside the frenchpatisserie. see,

this chain is very far from a hérmés scarf on a

fourinch calf. moving on.

I will not be watching the highlights later. I will not

be attending church. In this age of

scruffvegan, we'll be suffering, st stephen, at

highbury kfc. in the plunder he licks lips at

mannequins, quarrelcots and bijoubins to piss in.

a neatly tied bag in the caress of dewy wings

on the corner by the bizzies, twitches. still

some cats call this living.