Tuesday, 30 March 2021

make it clear / they call it chaos

make it clear / they call it chaos

a wounded deer on the straight road

though the pines. low on fuel and signal.

crows survey the failing light. burger sauce

on a national trust map.

it is not

confusing / complicated / hard to navigate /

or make sense of / it is

straight forward /

we are not in chaos /

we have turned sharp right

you know of those / who drove it that way

your job is to make them


Wednesday, 24 March 2021

These warnings, are trusty

These warnings, are trusty


The workers are tired,

trapped with absolute terror.

Touchy wardens, are they.

Toyed with; artists, truly

taxed, worried and torn.


Try whimsical, after ten

totalitarian weekenders, a thousand

totalling wind-ups, against tinsel

titled wankers all tucked-up

toasty, within allibaster towers.


Theiving, wherever. All tokenistic.

Triumphing worthy altruistic tendancies.

Trust. We’re all tuning

to whatever airways, trading

tik with any tok.


Tories will always try

to wantanly alienate, to

totemically wrest, auto-tune tribalism,

top-down widespread allied tabiod

toss, whenever attitudes tire.


This, when actual tradespeople

turn willingly against themselves,

taking whatever acid treaties

they will accelerate tomorrow.

Think why, allus this.


Treat without all thoughtfuness

these words - and these

three-line whipped and tyranic

tuchusleckers will always triumph.

These warnings, are trusty.


Friday, 19 March 2021

Flagshaggers #1

The ghost of Stan Boardman illegitimately pigeon scraps over pellets of relevance in the rain smelted park, as the chalky grip of dibble dust dissolves off of his kicked-in teeth. #FlagShaggers

Minions Like Us






Thursday, 11 March 2021

to the objects

to the objects / oi you / yes you / you
dangling doyle / who likes to get phys
ical with y' arsehole-at-arms defense
technique / I will distill / till the fumes
knock y' sick / take a life-long look at
the large print writ / eye this up for an
insta / simple / DON'T BE A DICK 

Monday, 1 March 2021



the indoor pork-pie worked

virtually as hard as

grafting boots beneath