Thursday, 31 October 2019

Song for AKS Zły

Who's that team AKS Zły? 
Who's that team we all adore? 
'Cos they play in black and white
And always want to fight
Give me Fritz Kola
And I'll sing this when I'm sober 'cos
Singing is in order
Tolerance the law
Who's that team we all adore? 

Poeting About Tanka

Always had the phrase
Appropriate about the
Look and gait of lads 
'Geezering about' now I'm
'Poeting about' and late

Arsenal Palace Tanka

The raucous north and
The uptight south a phase heard
In a football crowd
To drink the cattled upstairs
In suprise they'd find up there

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Bryter Layter

It will be
Bryter layter
He said 
The pub teletext read
The brass they pay
For muck shifting
Like a horse's head
Above the outdoor
To The Jacket Inn

A month's paypacket 
Is a week
For JCB shitshovelling
I'm fuckingupforfuckingoff
Just youfuckingwatch

Factor this f'thee
No more factory 
No more
On buttered toast
No more scores daubed
On boilersuit backs
No stench
Where waste n' slack
Bubbles river n'
Deceases flowers as
The site collie barks the 

No more
Of brittania matches
For seniorservice
No more
Welded dartsmatches
Or papered
Wanderers weekendwins
Or shiny shitroll
A thou' of an inch

No more
Rivetingrounds after
That 'r
Tapered t' ward
The dirt of what
Someone's missus
Get up to at
Peacetime piecerate

No more
Boyracing fitter's mates
Or the last surviving
Warehouse Elvis
Sugar soap sagas 
That just don't wash
And footbollocks wi'
Workbores n'
By the score

No more
Labour of swarfcuts n' 
Jobcuts n'
Crossedthreads that
Steely tread
Armbanded colonels
Toast vents that
Clatter bare

The trophy's took
To the strapping Jock
To polish it
Shiny square

Sirens match
The hooter matches
Where back rows n' rows of
Overalls by ankles
Grunt f't Sun
With a tab on

The crack
Violence of eggyolk 
Across precarious
Outdated Industrialware
Reading pages
Back to 3
In perperfuckingtuity

No more
Wooden prospects
As halfsnapped yardbrooms
Asbestosly managed
In glazedraised
Portacabin shopfloorchic

With a report sneak
Of corrosiveliquid leak
Corrosive tipoffs and
Calibrated ballots 'r
Forklifted by 
Dynasties of masculinity
On to millbranded

With standup teas of
Five sugars
Pleading lottery
And bonusbollocks at 
Ends of tabs n'
Ends of lines n'

Fish that big n'
Iron work thick in
Colours of ghosts that loom in
With the bang n' tick of
Overtime reliefshift

The polishedbrassmuck
Wi' governors 
Steaming pigs
That run out
For weepingscabs

For what
Nursesmaid of
All their ways
All the way
From the lathe
To the grave

And plenty
Of filterless
And plenty that 'r
And plenty of
Every bastard day

It will be
Bryter layter
He says
On the way to fit
A nonreturn valve
Marks on
Blueleft shoulders
In silent sympathy

Two filamenteyes
Describe goodbyes 
With no suprise

Reckon it will be

Monday, 28 October 2019

Flies on Him

He was the sort of
Who used the word
In the north
That thought every
Car horn
Was for him
That coughed
The same joke
Every time the dibble
Troubled the pub

Never a lighter
Only Swan vesta
After investing in
The carling darling
Would say
As they would say
In Russia
Muss go
Half knew the names
Of everyone 
And everyone heard him so

His blue tinted glasses
Would steam into him
On Derby day
Chalked nose
Chalked points 
House rules
Winner stays
He left
That tesco bag
Untold kids
Was not found for a year
Cos his flat
Was near the bins

And the Barmaids' curse
The Barmaids curse
'Till the next one stepped in

Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Construct Cometh Tanka

All brollies outside 
The museum you have to 
See 'en kid follows
First Mam close after the Dad
Looks long att the pub I'm in

Immediately Definite

I don't think you can
Drink as much as you can said 
The man I said
All life is in pubs 
All death is owt

Buying Frank O'Hara in Gay is the Word Tanka

In a town called ad
Equtte rain falls as pins as
Steely badges can
Afflict the knowledge outside 
The receipts are kept within 

As this plays Tanka

There's nowt more solid 
Poetic present than the
Clean shaved Irish face
Middle aged in an English
Pub just after opening

Friday, 25 October 2019

Gas Tanka

At the lights the drill
Music pounded hard labour
Past the pointless shell
Closed till Sunday openly
Gas adverting some saviour

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Saucing Tanka

Saw the kid who lived 
Off brown sauce outside the shop
Called it work vodka
His Pougues album eyes clocked smart
Coat slowly sliding deckwise

Mile High Brain Vacation

With singsong voice
West End makeup
Courtshoe shove
& Milehigh scrape
Hangs with heavycart
& tailof pony
Neat&tied&tight as
Seat B legroom
With neglect of change
Gait of safety
Regret of civility
Down the aisle of consilitory
Over 7 seas of mither... 
So marry your familiar
JohnnyWalker gob
With silence
Pull the brake on
Your brain vacation
She is only
Doing her job

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Strangely Brewed Tanka

The strangely dressed down 
Idiots plot beneath the 
Dropping tree clotting
Like crows feet cream speeching like
Cold fronts crowing of life's dirt dream 

Saturday, 19 October 2019

A Constitutional Tanka

The man behind the
Leatherette door had not the
Constitution and 
Only chose to read the books
That would make him more stupid


He pasted along

The breadline

Acrid smoke of

Yesterday's demands

Hung round his broken

Wail of kids

Painted him leaden

Framed a food bank scene


Thursday, 17 October 2019

Chips n' Gravy

State of play
Tube out
Ciders seems
I dish quids
Duty free
Tabs from holiday
Reduced rate cake
Central heated custard
Needs operations
On knees
3 times hospital
Wi' out
The pint I sup
Wi' luxury n'
States of
Chips n'' plenty
For me tea

Monday, 14 October 2019

Warsaw Photo Tanka

Warsaw saw photo
Shoots everywhere growing some
Pretty young women
Boring clothes in hip locales 
For bloghouse walls far from rare

Election Day Tanka

Even the Polish
Taxi drove to turn off on
Election Day the
Politics and sang the switched
Radio sunshine reggae 

Resorting Tanka

In the system swill of
The wealth management vote
Day the jack boots kick
Themselves in the head set the
Bar brutal my larger's red

Church Town - A Tanka

In the top five of
The town trip advisor's list
Were fuck off to the
Metropolis or die with
Out permission God forbid

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Peter Handke - A Prize Tanka

Spotlight the ethic
Ally excellents Judys
Don't searchlight shadows'
Regressed revisions throw facts
Not garlands at divisions

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Goose Fat

Propagation in
The Goose's Garden
Is the 
Look of a man
Who's having
A proper gander
At the
Fat of the land
And feather's
Sqauks more
Stories fallen
Than leaflets dropped
As planned

Monday, 7 October 2019

Fruitless toil - A Tanka

Fruitless toil - A Tanka 

The fruitless toil of 
The import orange shifter
Watched lifters take bites
Of hate's peaches spat back out
Of where they came from's reaches

Bruised pair - A Tanka

Bruised pair - A Tanka 

Her eyes were wore like
Bruises each one a teller
Of slightly diff'rent
Versioned events ev'ry one
Non for profit bestseller

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Sign Writer's Lament - A Tanka

At sixty eight his
Sign writer's hands struck neat he
Lamented Rose n'
Crown the final brown site shook
The sales and marketing suite